As part of the Outer Hebrides Climate Beacon partnership, Taigh Chearsabhagh, in collaboration with Ceòlas, and Cothrom/ReStore, are looking to commission artists to collaborate with local communities and businesses to conduct experimentation with waste materials – wood, plastic, wool, glass, and textiles – to develop skills and methodologies and illuminate existing practices and strengthen the ‘make do & mend’ culture (obsolescence avoidance) that has historically been and continues to be prevalent in the islands
An Lanntair would like to invite artists and creative practitioners to submit proposals to design and deliver a new arts initiative that is co-authored with communities/ climate scientist(s)/ environmentalist(s) or adaptation specialist(s) in the Isle of Lewis and Harris. Communities could be a township or geographical community and could also extend to communities of different demographics ie. crofters, youth groups, Commun Eachdraidh etc.
Please see below for further information.