Storm Stories – Creative Writing Events

2 & 3 March 2022 /
Free - please book through Eventbrite (links below)

Bu mhath leinn gun tig sibh còmhla rinn airson bùth-obrach sgrìobhadh cruthachail thairis air zoom. Bith sinn uile a’ dèanamh dàin shìmplidh a’ cleachdadh pìosan de sgeulachdan ionadail mu stoirmean.

Tha am pròiseact Sgeulachdan Stoirm ag amas air ar n-eòlasan aginn fhein air stoirmean geamhraidh. Tha sinn cheangal sinn ri dàta bho na Met office a chaidh a thoirt bho na stèiseanan ann an Uibhist a Deas agus Steòrnabhagh.

Thèid am pìos deiseil a chleachdadh gus ar cuideachadh a’ tuigsinn buaidh nan stoirmean air muinntir Innse Gall.

Ro dheireadh a’ Mhàirt bidh sinn a’ cumail tachartasan ionadail neo-fhoirmeil gu pearsanta gus am pìos deiseil a shealltainn. Bheir seo cothrom airson tòrr còmhraidh air na cùisean a chaidh a thogail.

(Na gabh dragh mun ìre de chomas Gàidhlig agad, chan eil litreachadh gu diofar anns a’ chùis seo)

We would love you to join us for a creative writing workshop over zoom where we will build simple poems in a fun way using some extracts of local stories about storms.

The Storm Stories project aims to tie our own experiences of winter storms with data provided by the Met office taken from the stations in South Uist and Stornoway.

Data sets, which are the results of the scientific analysis and projections are being used to create soundtracks. These will be arranged to tie in with the poems and stories.

The finished piece will be used to help us understand and appreciate the impact of the storms on the populations of the Outer Hebrides.

By the end of March we will be hosting local informal events in person to present the finished piece and allow opportunity for lots of chats about the issues raised.

Storylines Creative Writing Workshop (English)

Time: Mar 2, 2022 08:00 PM London

English Creative Writing Event

Zoom Link

Cuireadh bùth-obrach do luchd-còmhnaidh nan Eilean Siar (Gàidhlig)

Time: Mar 3, 2022 08:00 PM London

Gaelic Creative Writing Event

Zoom Link